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Darul Ifta Madrasah Arabia Islamia - Darul Uloom Azaadville
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Fatawa Browse Through The Fatawa Below

Brushing The Teeth With Toothpaste While Fasting
Question If a person is fasting and they brush their teeth with toothpaste but then remember that they are fasting, will the fast of this person break or not? Answer If no particles of the actual toothpaste entered the gullet into the stomach, the fast...
Eligibility To Receive Zakaat
Question There is one brother in our country. He does not have any debts but at the beginning of the month he does not have any funds to buy groceries for his family and also his wife is going to have a baby in one month Insha Allah. Can I give him some...
Settling The Expenses/Debts Of A Zakaat Recipient
Question Can a person pay the utility (e.g. water/electricity) bills of an eligible Zakaat recipient using Zakaat money? Does he need permission for this from the person? Answer If a person wishes to pay someone’s utility bills with Zakat, it will only...
Women Performing Salaah In The Masjid
Question Why is it better for women to perform Salaah at home and not in the Masjid? Answer Firstly, it is Makrooh-e-Tahreemi for women to go to the Masjid to perform Salaah, be it the Masjid of one’s locality or the Masjid ul Haraam. No doubt, women...
Items Of Entertainment And Their Effect On The Eligibility To Receive Zakaat
Question Regarding the eligibility of a recipient for Zakaat, is a laptop considered as an item of necessity or not? Will it differ if it was being used for work, but now due to being unemployed, it is used for entertainment mainly and occasionally for...
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