Home | Darul-Ifta Darul Uloom Azaadville Madrasah Arabia Islamia

Darul Ifta Madrasah Arabia Islamia - Darul Uloom Azaadville
Question Please explain Walimah and the practice of delaying it until the couple have spent the night together.Would it be recommended to have the Nikaah,...
Applying For A Credit Card
Applying For A Credit Card
Question Can Mufti please let me know if signing up for a credit card is permissible for muslims?I understand that I am agreeing to pay interest if I...
A Daughter’s Responsibility To Support Her Parents
A Daughter’s Responsibility To Support Her Parents
Question Can you please explain what the responsibilities and duties of care are to parents, once a woman is married.I would also like to know if the...
Funding Someone’s Hajj With Zakaat Funds
Funding Someone’s Hajj With Zakaat Funds
Question A person had enough wealth for performing Hajj but did not perform due to negligence. Now he wants to perform his Hajj but lacks in sufficient...
Wedding Receptions
Wedding Receptions
Question Is there anything wrong with having an invitation from the girl's side at the time of her marriage, which is in addition to Walima (on the assumption...
Blood Transfusions vs Organ Transplants
Blood Transfusions vs Organ Transplants
Question Please differentiate between the ruling of blood transfusion and organ transplant. Shouldn't blood transfusion also be prohibited due to the...
Attending The Invitation Of A Qadiyani
Attending The Invitation Of A Qadiyani
Question My family has been invited to a dawat by Qiydiyanis. I was wondering if it is permissible to attend? Answer According to the Ulama, adherents...
A Second Jumuah Jamaat To Accommodate Students
A Second Jumuah Jamaat To Accommodate Students
Question We have approximately 5-7 boys who attend schools and are unable to read Jummah on time. We are thus making an effort to ensure that these boys...
The Heels In Sajdah
The Heels In Sajdah
Question Should the heels touch when in Sajdah? Answer  Yes the heels should be joined in Sajdah.Checked and Approved By:Mufti Muhammed Saeed Motara...
Gifting Calendars With Animal Pictures
Gifting Calendars With Animal Pictures
Question Every year I receive calendars with pictures of animals. I give it to non-muslims who appreciate it very much. They hang it on the walls of their...
Faasid (Corrupt) Credit Transaction
Faasid (Corrupt) Credit Transaction
Question The verbal Agreement between Person A and B at the time of the sale was only the amount and that it would need to be a credit sale as the Buyer...
Sharing Class Notes
Sharing Class Notes
Question A student goes for tuition (which is paid for), and gets notes from the tutor. Is it permissible for the student to share these notes with other...
Status Of A Partnership After A Partner Passes Away
Status Of A Partnership After A Partner Passes Away
Question I have an equal business partnershipIf 1 of the partners returns to the mercy of ALLAH how does that buisness proceed with regards to Income...
Hifz Via Skype
Hifz Via Skype
Question I am looking for someone who can help me to make my son a Quran Hafiz. Is there anyone who is already a Quran Hafiz who can help train my son...
Writing Aayaat During Haidh
Writing Aayaat During Haidh
Question Can one in Haidh write aayaat of the Quraan-e-Majeed? Answer It is not permissible to write verses of the Quraan-e-Kareem during the menstruation...
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Fatawa Browse Through The Fatawa Below

Brushing The Teeth With Toothpaste While Fasting
Question If a person is fasting and they brush their teeth with toothpaste but then remember that they are fasting, will the fast of this person break or not? Answer If no particles of the actual toothpaste entered the gullet into the stomach, the fast...
Eligibility To Receive Zakaat
Question There is one brother in our country. He does not have any debts but at the beginning of the month he does not have any funds to buy groceries for his family and also his wife is going to have a baby in one month Insha Allah. Can I give him some...
Settling The Expenses/Debts Of A Zakaat Recipient
Question Can a person pay the utility (e.g. water/electricity) bills of an eligible Zakaat recipient using Zakaat money? Does he need permission for this from the person? Answer If a person wishes to pay someone’s utility bills with Zakat, it will only...
Women Performing Salaah In The Masjid
Question Why is it better for women to perform Salaah at home and not in the Masjid? Answer Firstly, it is Makrooh-e-Tahreemi for women to go to the Masjid to perform Salaah, be it the Masjid of one’s locality or the Masjid ul Haraam. No doubt, women...
Items Of Entertainment And Their Effect On The Eligibility To Receive Zakaat
Question Regarding the eligibility of a recipient for Zakaat, is a laptop considered as an item of necessity or not? Will it differ if it was being used for work, but now due to being unemployed, it is used for entertainment mainly and occasionally for...
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Requests for the interpretation of dreams will not be responded to.
Questions regarding inheritance should include a list of all the relatives of the deceased who were alive at the time of death of the deceased.
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