Home | Darul-Ifta Darul Uloom Azaadville Madrasah Arabia Islamia

Darul Ifta Madrasah Arabia Islamia - Darul Uloom Azaadville
Delivering Food On A Commission Basis
Delivering Food On A Commission Basis
Question A restaurant hires a man deliver food for them, but no specific salary was fixed. They agreed that for every order he delivers, he will get 10%...
Gifting Assets With The Conditon Of Retaining The Profits Accrued Therefrom
Gifting Assets With The Conditon Of Retaining The Profits Accrued Therefrom
Question A father wants to give some of his assets to his children in his lifetime. He however wants to retain the profits/dividends from these assests...
Online Refunds
Online Refunds
Question What are the requirements of an online stores refund policy with respect to khiyar for the sale to be valid?For example, some stores say "refund...
Variable Courier Delivery Dates
Variable Courier Delivery Dates
Question We do not mention to the buyer how long it will take for delivery. Is it necessary to mention this?For our cash buyers of kitabs we do not always...
Disposing Of Interest Funds In A Bank Account With Cash On Hand
Disposing Of Interest Funds In A Bank Account With Cash On Hand
Question If a person has for example R60000 in a bank account due to which he earns interest of R8000 over a period of 2 years, can he take the same amount...
Times In Which Qadha Salaah May Be Performed
Times In Which Qadha Salaah May Be Performed
Question What are the permissible times to perform qada salaah ( salaath missed from previous years)? Answer Salaah is act of worship that has been...
Congregational Dua After Janaazah Salaah
Congregational Dua After Janaazah Salaah
Question I would like to know if Congregational Dua after Janazah Salaah is allowed. Answer It is not permissible to make congregational Du’aa immediately...
Falling Asleep While Listen To A Recording Of Quraan-e-Majeed
Falling Asleep While Listen To A Recording Of Quraan-e-Majeed
Question If I am laying down can I play a Quran recital and listen?Can the recording continue playing if I fall asleep? Answer A person should not listen...
The Minimum Amount Of Qiraat To Be Recited In Salaah
The Minimum Amount Of Qiraat To Be Recited In Salaah
Question If an ayat is very long (e.g Surah Baqarah v.282 ) so then how much is fardh ?And if he only reads a portion of this ayat is this completing...
A Woman Visiting A Male Doctor
A Woman Visiting A Male Doctor
Question If in a place there are only non Muslim male gynecologists....And only one Muslim male gynecologist...Can I take my wife to the Muslim gynecologist? Answer With...
Having My Supplier Deliver Goods Directly To My Customer
Having My Supplier Deliver Goods Directly To My Customer
Question We are based in City A and it often happens that customers from other areas like Johannesburg, Durban, Cape Town etc. purchase from us.Is it...
Joining The Salaah With Jamaat With The Intention Of Nafl
Joining The Salaah With Jamaat With The Intention Of Nafl
Question I am told the following by our Ulama here:1. Hanafis say if one has performed their own Zuhr or Esha salaah and then there is a second jamaat,...
Wudhu Of A Person Who Falls Asleep Sitting On the Ground
Wudhu Of A Person Who Falls Asleep Sitting On the Ground
Question Does the wudhu break if one falls asleep sitting on the ground cross-legged? Answer If his posterior is firmly supported on the ground whilst...
Letting Premises To A Tenant Who Intends To Sublet To A Bank
Letting Premises To A Tenant Who Intends To Sublet To A Bank
Question I own a block of 10 shops all vacant at the moment. i have a client who wants to rent all my 10 shops for a certain amount. but his plan is to...
Profits Accruing On A Deceased’s Estate
Profits Accruing On A Deceased’s Estate
Question There were some investments. Profits on these investments are paid out monthly. What happens to the profits that gather after the demise of the...
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Fatawa Browse Through The Fatawa Below

Eligibility To Receive Zakaat
Question There is one brother in our country. He does not have any debts but at the beginning of the month he does not have any funds to buy groceries for his family and also his wife is going to have a baby in one month Insha Allah. Can I give him some...
Settling The Expenses/Debts Of A Zakaat Recipient
Question Can a person pay the utility (e.g. water/electricity) bills of an eligible Zakaat recipient using Zakaat money? Does he need permission for this from the person? Answer If a person wishes to pay someone’s utility bills with Zakat, it will only...
Women Performing Salaah In The Masjid
Question Why is it better for women to perform Salaah at home and not in the Masjid? Answer Firstly, it is Makrooh-e-Tahreemi for women to go to the Masjid to perform Salaah, be it the Masjid of one’s locality or the Masjid ul Haraam. No doubt, women...
Items Of Entertainment And Their Effect On The Eligibility To Receive Zakaat
Question Regarding the eligibility of a recipient for Zakaat, is a laptop considered as an item of necessity or not? Will it differ if it was being used for work, but now due to being unemployed, it is used for entertainment mainly and occasionally for...
Unintentionally Breaking The Fast Before The Time Of Iftaar
Question When I was in my youth  I was once sitting with a group of friends just before iftaar time in Ramadhaan. One of my friends jokingly said that it was time to break the fast. However, it was still 2 minutes or so before azaan time. I broke my fast...
1 2 3 347
Eligibility To Receive Zakaat
Settling The Expenses/Debts Of A Zakaat Recipient
Women Performing Salaah In The Masjid
Items Of Entertainment And Their Effect On The Eligibility To Receive Zakaat
Unintentionally Breaking The Fast Before The Time Of Iftaar
1 2 3 347


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Due to the large number of questions received daily, please allow 7 to 10 days for a response. Should a question require further research, please allow 2 weeks or more.
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Requests for the interpretation of dreams will not be responded to.
Questions regarding inheritance should include a list of all the relatives of the deceased who were alive at the time of death of the deceased.
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